10 Powerful Benefits of Using PPC for Small Business
PPC or Pay Per Click is one of the tools you can use to promote a business in the online World. The PPC Model works in a very simple way and this is why it is so popular. In short, you run your ads and how much you will pay depends on how many people clicked on your ad.
10 Benefits of PPC
The purpose of this article is to outline the benefits of PPC for small businesses from a business perspective so that you can decide if this is something to use in your digital marketing strategy.
#1 Fast Results
Businesses need results and they want them fast. PPC is perhaps the fastest way to run an advertising campaign and get instant results. To simplify things, if you have a website up and running you can quickly create an adwords account, setup your ads and run them in the Google network and start getting traffic.
This is a very simplified version of how it works but I just wanted to help you understand that PPC is very efficient when it comes to reaching your target audience in the fastest possible way.
#2 Measurable results
Another important benefit of PPC is that everything you do has a clear measurable target. You can measure anything that is related to a ppc campaign from costs, profits, views, clicks, visits and many more.
#3 No dependencies on SEO or Google Algorithmic changes
For long term success you need to have a SEO friendly website and also comply with SEO best standards and practices. BUT one of the nice things about PPC is that once you create profitable campaigns you don’t need to worry about Google and the changes they are doing to their ranking algorithms.
#4 Reach the right audience
When running a PPC campaign you choose where and when your ads will appear based on a number of factors including keywords, location, website, device, time and date and much more. The flexibility that you have allows you to segment your market and bring your products and services in front of the right audience.
#5 Take advantage of business opportunities
Let’s say that you are selling web hosting packages and one of your main competitors is offline due to a technical problem. This is a great opportunity for you to run a targeted PPC campaign and give those angry customers another option. This is only possible with PPC because it is easy to implement and generates instant results.
#6 Brand recognition
You can use PPC to target keywords related to your industry so that people searching for those keywords will constantly see your ads. Although general keywords will not generate more sales, indirectly they help you increase brand awareness and establish your business as an authority and leader in your industry.
#7 Open your doors to local customers
PPC is highly effective for local search. People searching using their mobiles for products or services in their area can see your ads, click on them and get instructions on how to reach your store. Recent statistics show that 75% of people are more likely to visit a store if they find it in the search results. If they don’t see your ad then most probably will click on your competitors ad and you just lost a customer.
#8 Budget Friendly
When it comes to PPC there are no budget restrictions. You choose how much to pay for a click and how much money to spend for an ad or campaign. As mentioned above since everything is measurable you can easily analyze if what you are spending is creating a profit or a loss and decide accordingly. As a rule of thumb if a campaign is profitable you can safely spend more money until you reach your maximum ROI.
#9 It’s a great tool to test your marketing strategies for other mediums
Let’s say you want to test which product headline or ad copy will perform better in a campaign. What you can easily do is setup different ads in a Google Adwords campaign, run them for a couple of weeks online and analyze the results. The ad with the highest CTR (Click Through Rate) has probably the most attractive copy for users.
#10 Rich Functionality and Reporting
PPC platforms like Google Adwords and Bing Ads provide you with all the tools you need to run your campaigns, collaborate with your teammates and analyze your data and results (reporting). This is considered a business advantage because without the right tools and reporting system is like swimming in the sea with your eyes and ears closed. The right tools with the right marketing strategy can give you the right results.